
Eccox Application Environment Management for Data Setup is a solution for the management of files, structures and types, in addition to data, allowing them to be created or copied. It allows developers, through a simple and consistent interface, to use the existing database to generate a similar environment for the development or maintenance of its applications.

With the use of:

  • Copying and creation of DB2, VSAM and Sequential files;
  • Copy and creation of related objects among DB2, VSAM and Sequential databases;
  • Extraction of referential integrity from the DB2 database;
  • Reduced database;
  • Maintenance of referential integrity between databases;

by means of registrating “mockups”, the same set of interrelated data can be easily generated by “requests” as many times as necessary, streamlining and adding value to the management of mass data.

Through Selection Criteria capacity, data can be extracted based on the real needs of the process, such as:

  • Discarding registers from the beginning of the file
  • Selecting registers
  • Discarding registers
  • Number of registers to be selected
  • Number of registers to be read
  • Selection criteria based on data content

The editing of the writing request can be done for the target environment if the data at the destination already exist. It is possible to Maintain, Exclude, Concatenate, etc.

Main functions

Integrated with other Eccox solutions for mass data management, such as Eccox Application Environment Management for Data Privacy (Mischaracterization/Recharacterization of Data) and Eccox Application Environment Management for Data Generation, enables:

• The logical relationship between DB2 tables, sequential files and VSAM is maintained, even in reduced format;
• Minimum effort for the analysts;
• Security and auditing rules are assured by the implemented process;
• Once implemented, the process assures compliance with all the rules of internal security and auditing policies;
• Centralization and consequent greater security in the manipulation of confidential data, such as balances, confidential codes, addresses, etc. during data mass test procedures;
• Defined and centralized processes, enabling the reuse of resources with greater productivity and lower cost;
• Avoid extraction rework;
• Maintain conformity for the use of mischaracterized and reduced bases.
• Reduced efforts for generating test environments based on other environments;
• Retain applied intelligence in the generation of test environments;
• possibility for rapid re-execution of processes.


  • Easy creation of test environments.
  • Intelligent data generation.
  • Fast re-execution of processes.
