The Quality Assurance process encompasses Quality Control and in addition to inspecting and gauging the quality of the code in relation to previously set standards (Quality Control), the Quality Assurance process is capable of impeding or rejecting the delivery of a code whose quality does not meet the minimum quality standards classified as “acceptable” by the organization.
Eccox Application Quality Assurance for Development uses products and solutions from the Eccox Application Quality Control suite and Eccox Application Behavior Management for Development.
Providing approval for controlled and managed liberation of applications that have not been classified at least as “acceptable” by means of a commitment to correct in a specific deadline.
It enables exception to avoid the inspection and monitoring of codes on which it is not possible to intervene in the generation process, e.g., resulting from code generators or external system packages.
It guarantees policies to introduce changes in the evaluation of codes based on external criteria defined by the organization.
• It blocks codes that are classified as unacceptable;
• Controlled promotion of unacceptable codes under commitment;
• Reduced rate of errors;
• Greater standardization, facilitating future maintenance.