The functionality for evaluating DB2 Native Stored Procedures in the Eccox Application Quality Control for DB2 tool (Eccox QC for DB2) was released in August 2021.
Eccox, within the application development process with its customers, identified the need to expand the use of code quality rules within its strategy of continuous improvement in its Eccox QC for DB2 solution, for Native Stored Procedures in Database IBM DB2 data in the Mainframe Environment covering only your SQL code.
To meet this demand, we developed the Eccox Application Quality Control for Stored Procedure functionality, which starts to carry out the quality assessment of the native Stored Procedures of the IBM DB2 database in a Mainframe environment. The quality analysis process of Native DB2 Stored Procedures are performed during the Mainframe application lifecycle process, controlled through the SCM Tool (Software Change Manager). The process takes place in a non-intrusive way (without changing the source) and also without changing the current quality analysis process, this customization constituting an additional feature (functionality) to the product.
Stored Procedure
The Eccox Application Quality Control for Stored Procedure feature supports the three types of Stored Procedures, as follows:1 - External Procedure
Coded in Mainframe programming language;
2 - External SQL Procedure
Coded in PL-SQL language, its source is stored like any other source program, and this Stored Procedure is compiled by an IBM utility, generating a DBRM that is analyzed by applying SQL rules, generating notes, and storing indicators.
If the customer implements Stored Procedures from a formal process, for example, using SCM (Software Configuration Management) products, it is possible to use the blocking function during Promote;
3 - Native Procedure
Coded in PL-SQL language, its source is stored like any other source program and is input to Eccox Quality Control for Stored Procedures, which analyzes it, generating notes and storing indicators.
If the customer implements Stored Procedures from a formal process, for example, using SCM (Software Configuration Management) products, it is possible to use the blocking function during Promote.
- Allows now the Eccox QC for Stored procedure Native, evaluate and control the blocking of following or improving the code.
- This feature does not exist in the Eccox QC software version and will enable MIPS reduction in the conversion of programs written in SQL/PL Stored Procedures to Native Stored Procedures.
One of the reasons is that around 20% of the MIPS spent on the execution of programs written in SQL/PL will be converted into ZIIP in the Native Stored Procedure, and there is usually no payment for using ZIIP.
- Keeping the same analysis pattern as Eccox QC, allowing the developer to have greater coverage of the application.